Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Screen replacement

A friend of mine dropped his tablet and asked if I could fix it for him, here`s how it went….

Broken Tablet

Broken Screen

This was a first for me once again and I was looking forward to the challenge. My first step was to make sure it was powered off and that the Micro SD slot was empty. Once that was done I turned my attention to the rear cover.

On closer inspection I realised that there was no screws so I had to use my plastic spudger tool. I managed to find a gap in between the white backing and the SD slot. I inserted the spudger into the gap and the white backing began to lift up. I continued doing this all the way around the device until the backing was completely off. Once removed I could see all the inner components of the tablet.

Battery removed

Battery removed

Location of various parts

Location of various parts

I then decided to remove the battery. To begin the actual removal of the battery itself I had to remove the four designated screws with a Philips screwdriver. Once the screws were removed I used a pair of tweezers to pull up the battery connector (Pull directly up and the connector should pop out).

Broken screen removed

Broken screen removed

With the battery now removed I felt it was safe to start applying heat to the front screen. I disconnected the LCD connector from the logic board and started applying heat. Following on from this I used a heat gun as the heat source and began heating the top right hand corner of the device. Once the loca glue was hot enough I managed to slide a guitar plex into the gap. I slowly continued my way around the screen adding more plexs until the screen was fully removed.

New screen

New screen

Before applying the new screen I had to remove all the remaining loca glue with some isopropyl alcohol wipes. The new screen came with pre-cut 3m tape which I applied to the tablet once all of the loca glue was removed.

With the 3m tape in place I applied the new screen with even pressure until the tape had bonded. After about 15 minutes the screen was fully adhered, I then reassembled the device and switched it on. It worked perfectly…..

Fixed screen

Fixed screen

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